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Group Identity

The FNAF community has been intimately connected with the creation of the games' lore from the beginning, using online platforms like Youtube to connect with others players and fans to share their experiences and information. Most of the lore throughout the development of the franchise and group has been speculation from the community who derived the storyline using hints and clues scattered throughout the games, often randomly. In the words of Youtubers from the Game Theory channel "'what these games did really smartly was everyones gameplay is slightly different. If you die you have a very random chance of getting a mysterious mini game that gives you a little bit of lore and it’s a little bit spooky and you’re like ‘what was that?’'
'Which means huge replay value and meant that it worked really well on the Youtube side because it meant you could watch five Youtubers all play the same game and all have different results'" (GTLive 2023, 38:45).

The varity of gameplay experiences and incomplete instructional and storyline information led to enormous activation of group members to engage with each other and with the media surrounding the games, particularly Lets Play videos which played a dual role. One, they offered their own unique playthrough which sometimes offered information and "rare scenes", and two they offer group members a space to discuss the gameplay, define gameplay events, and establish the rarity of certain scenes. By engaging in the Lets Play tradition the group is able to communicate and reinforce its values and identity.

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Horror fans

The games and gameplay videos heavily feature jumpscares and overall disturbing imagery and story lines. Group members who participate are nearly guaranteed to have their heart racing at some point. This is accepted and encouraged by the group who watch the player react to these events and often react right along with them! The horror factor is one of if not the most defining factor  of the group's enjoyment which they reinforce amongst themselves, coveting and iconizing the most horrific moments (such as the infamous "bite of '83").

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Detective skills

As discussed a major factor of the lore was the discovery and invention of lore by the group over time. By collaborating and collecting evidence rather than being fed a complete story line, group members were given an opportunity to act as detectives. They are encouraged to replay and rewatch, looking for random elements and small details  that can be used to unlock the mysteries of the game. Because the community had to turn to each other to try to work out answers this likely helped strengthen community ties and trust as people worked together to uncover answers and create their own lore and strategies.

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The random nature of certain character actions and appearances can lead to almost a collector like mentality as commenters often point out any rare scenes the subject of a Let's Play  has encountered. This again indicates attention to detail as a valued trait amongst group members.  The presence of rarity also serves to continue to build community ties. If the game were played in a vacuum a player may never know how rare (or standard) his experience was. The presence of rare screens further promotes interactions within the group as information is shared.

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